Oh what to write…so much has happened within the last few months that there really isn’t any way I can touch base with it all. I officially swore in as a Peace Corps Volunteer on May 25th and the following day all of the volunteers in my Health/Environment group (they call it a “staj”) departed for their final sites.
My final site is called Ait Hammou Ousaid. Quite a mouthful. Sometimes people just say Ait Hammou Said, so I actually can’t guarantee the name, but you get the idea. And you’re not gonna find it on a map, just in case you folks are wondering. If you want to know the approximate whereabouts, I’m near Boumalne Dades.
I am currently living with a new host family at this site till the first of July, then, I get my own house! Woo! I had quite an experience trying to find this place actually, and when I finally did discover it’s existence, it had no running water, electricity or a bathroom. Literally. No bathroom. When I first talked to my landlord about the house, around June 4th, and realized all of the necessary fixin’s, I automatically flip to “American” mode and pondered upon the immense amount of time and effort that goes into constructions and renovations and deemed there would be absolutely no chance that all of these remedies would be completed by July 1st. In addition, there are other random necessities that need fixed. For example, I need a new front door. It’s one of those metal, half-hinged type deals that doesn’t fit in the frame properly.
Well, nchallah (If God wills it) , I will have my house ready by July 1st (if not I have to go through a complicated and confusing arrangement/payment agreement with my current host family. No thanks.) By the way, this country is alllllll about “nchallah.” I love it when I use it. And I hate it when other people use it. For example, someone wants me to have tea at their house. At this time, not only have I completely lost interest for Moroccan tea (aka: SUGAR) but I’ve typically have already had my fill of it after one glass with another family, soooo, what do I do? I say, “mnb3d, nchallah.” J hehehe. Basically, “Later, if God wills it.” Perfect line. Leaves an ambiguous amount of room for later, and everything always seems acceptable if you put “nchallah” with it.
Ok, now here is an example of when I DON’T like it: I need to get a taxi. It has been raining all day. The problem with this is that the road from my site into “town” (Boumalne Dades, about 1hr 15min away) where I need to always travel first in order to get anywhere else in the country passes through this gargantuan, spectacular gorge, called the Gorges Dades. Now, at one point, the road and the river practically run right alongside each other, and on each side is about 15 stories of rock wall. So what do you think happens when it rains? ….yes, you are exactly right. It floods. No way around it-unless you hike through the mountains on foot (Which the volunteer I (sort of) replaced said she did once after being stuck at site for a month.) Ok, back to “nchallah.” I need to go to Boumalne Dades, I tell my Host Dad I am going to get a taxi, and he tells me the road is flooded because of the rain. When I first arrived at site I initially didn’t foresee this problem, but now I’m definitely picking up that it will be a mushkil bzzaf (big problem) in the future. Basically, my host Dad ends up telling me that I will be able to get a taxi later, nchallah.
What?? No. Not nchallah. I need to meet people. I have work. Obligations. Commitments.
Then I realize there’s nothing I can do about it.
So, nchallah.
Ok, I will leave you with a few “Things I’ve Learned:”
1. My sowing kit is quite possibly one of my new best friends. Any cloth item I’ve bought in Morocco has ripped after it’s first use. (Mom, you can go ahead and say “I told you so.”)
2. Morocco definitely doesn’t believe in HIPAA
3. I never thought I’d experience WWIII in my room with a centipede over 6 inches long.
4. Flies are mental terrorists.
5. I miss wearing shorts in 100F temperatures.
6. Giardia STINKS. Literally. Look it up. You get it from eating feces. At this current time my body is at war with itself.
One more thing, I have a permanent ADDRESS. I’m not sure if I should really post it here, so if you’re interested, send me an email (gravanten@hotmail.com) or just ask some of my fam/friends. They’ve got the 411. Letters/packages brighten an PCV’s day. J